Bible Recap: led by Don Davis and Romona Palmer. Second classroom on the left in Adult Classroom Hallway
Cross Centered Character: led by Dr. James Johnson in the Choir Room.
Parent’s Community Group: led by Don and Molly Hopkins in the first classroom on the left in Adult Classroom Hallway.
Student Ministry: in classroom on the fellowship hall level.
Children’s Ministry: meets in the treehouse on the fellowship hall level.
Sundays @ 9am
Sundays @ 6pm
Marckel’s Community Group: meets at David and Linda Marckel’s home.
wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Spiritual Disciplines: led by Rich Allen and Melissa McCollum in the choir room
Student Ministry: High school and middle school meeting in the gym.
Children’s Ministry: meets in the treehouse on the fellowship hall level. -
Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study:1st Saturday of the month in the gym.